Poverty Alleviation and Interhousehold Transfers: Evidence from BRAC’s Graduation Program in Bangladesh
No EntryPoverty ReductionNov 2021
Lousy homes normally count on transfers from their social networks for intake smoothing, but there is restricted evidence on how antipoverty courses have an effect on casual transfers. This paper exploits the randomized rollout of BRAC’s extremely-inadequate graduation program in Bangladesh and panel info masking in excess of 21,000 homes in excess of 7 many years to examine the program’s outcomes on interhousehold transfers. The program crowds out casual transfers been given by the focused homes, but this is pushed mostly by outside-village transfers. Taken care of extremely-inadequate homes become extra likely to equally give and acquire transfers to/from wealthier homes in their village and considerably less likely to acquire transfers from their companies. As a result, the reciprocity of their in-village transfers will increase. The findings indicate that, in rural communities, there is favourable assortative matching by socio-financial status. A reduction in poverty allows homes to have interaction extra in reciprocal transfer preparations and lowers the interlinkage of their labor with casual insurance plan.
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